The Society for Radiological Protection - SRP
Gemini Technology Mirion Technologies

SRP Annual Conference 2025

Hull, 13 - 15 May 2025

Book Now

You can now join the 5K fun run for free - you still need to book your place through the BOOK NOW button above.

Taking place on Tuesday 13 May 2025 at 07:00 for a strict 07:15 start - further details of the starting line and route will be sent out at a later date.  View the risk assessment for this run.
The fastest SRP man, women and team (groups of at least four from the same organisation), will be presented with a trophy during the Annual Conference. 

Important Information
All those taking part in the 5K must read the following information at the bottom of this page and by booking onto the SRP 5K Fun Run, we will assume that you have read this.


General Information
Start - The Deep (Hull aquarium) car park.  You will follow the path along the seafront and then turn left to run past the Humber Storage Solutions.  Keep running until you see the marshal which will point you up towards the pavement at the side of the main road to run back towards the finish line.

Headphones - There are to be no headphones worn whilst running as this can cause severe distraction.  You will be asked to leave the fun run if you wear headphones.

Water – You will be required to bring your own water with you so please have a filled water bottle that you can leave at the start of the run.  Water will not be provided.

Toilets – Please make sure you have used the lavatory before you start the race as there are no onsite toilets available.

There are risks involved when taking part in an outdoor running event.  Please read the following risks to ensure that you, as the runner, has taken every necessary precaution to protect yourselves.

Weather and clothing - If it does rain and or is windy, you as the runner will run at your own risk and we request that in these circumstances you do take the run easy. Please wear suitable clothing for the weather conditions at the time and wear sunscreen if UV levels are likely to be high.  Please also avoid wearing all dark clothing and wear appropriate running attire.  There maybe sand on the route due to the route being along the seafront so we ask that you run carefully to avoid slipping.

The public - Runners are advised to ignore any verbal abuse from pedestrians and any confrontation should be avoided. 
Vehicles and roads - This route is mianly on a pedestrian pathway and on the pavement beside a road.  As descirbed above, there are some quiet onsite roads that you will need to cross; these will be marshalled.  We request that you only use the pavement where possible and run where the marshals guide you to.  You need to take personal responsibility for yourself when crossing roads.  Please avoid potholes and any obstructions on route.

Pre-existing injuries and health concerns - Please visit your GP if you have a pre-existing injury or are worried about your health before taking part in this fun run.  You must take responsibility for your own health and clear yourself for this run if you’re worried about anything.  If you have a health issue that could arise during the run, you must inform the Event Organiser so that they can brief the first aiders.

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