04 - 05 November 2025
Birchwood Park, Warrington
This two-day course, run jointly by SRP and The Shielding Forum, is an introduction to ionising radiation shielding. It is aimed at those who are new to the topic but may also be useful as a basic refresher for more experienced professionals. With speakers from the nuclear and non-nuclear industries and the medical sector, the course aims to cover shielding in different sectors. The programme includes: basic principles of shielding assessment, source term generation, attenuation and build-up, hand calculations, computational methods, shielding design process, interface between RPAs and shielding assessors and relevant legislation. These topics will be backed up with examples from different sectors. There will be a short optional exam at the end of the course.
To exhibit, the cost is £525 plus VAT for Affiliated Organisation members and £700 plus VAT for non-Affiliated Organisation members.
This is a popular event and there are limited spaces for the exhibition so booking early is advised to avoid disappointment.
Please email charlene.matthewman@srp-uk.org to book an exhibition place.