28th Jan 2025
IRMF (First)
We're currently calling for presentations for this IRMF. Please send a short description about your topic that you'd like to present on to charlene.matthewman@srp-uk.org . If you would like to…
All the posters from the conference can be found below. You must be logged into MySRP to view. If you're not a member and attended the conference, please email charlene.matthewman@srp-uk.org .
28th Jan 2025
We're currently calling for presentations for this IRMF. Please send a short description about your topic that you'd like to present on to charlene.matthewman@srp-uk.org . If you would like to…
13th to 15th May 2025
Regenerating Radiation Protection - The Changing Face of Radiation Protection Across the Radiation Protection Profession we're seeing a wealth of new changes, challenges and opportunities ahead,…
We're delighted to announce that the South West Conference will take place next year from 14 October…
19th Dec 2024