There will be a crèche service available for those that would otherwise not be able to attend the Annual Conference due to child care arrangements. The onsite crèche will be primarily aimed at 0 - 11 year olds (if you require support for 12 plus year olds, please get in contact with us;
The crèche will be heavily subsidised by SRP and we only ask that a small fee of £10 per day is paid to confirm the child's booking. Running on Tuesday 13 May, Wednesday 14 May and Thursday 15 May (in the day only), a child can be dropped off before morning sessions begin and picked up after sessions finish - please do note that the child will need to be picked up for one hour during the lunch break to allow crèche staff to have their lunch break.
To book a child's space, please email .
Crèche Service
Operated by Tinies Yorkshire, North East & North West; see more information about them below or download the flyer.