Presentations below can only be accessed by SRP members only, if you attended the conference and you're not an SRP member, please email .
Tuesday 6 July
Session 1: Opening Plenary
Session 2.1: 10 (+1) years of RGG
Session 2.2: Learning from Incidents
Session 3.1: Medical Sector
- Challenges in the implementation of IRR17 for smaller users of x-rays (universities, chiropractors, dentists etc.), Graham Hart (YourRPA) (presentation coming soon)
- How the revised Ionising Radiation Regulations and IRMER has changed RP in hospitals (the impact of the lower eye dose limit, ring and fingertip monitoring and classification of staff), David Dommett (Southend University Hospital)
- Application of a correction factor to the measurement of the radiation dose to the lens of the eye, Anita Jefferies (RRPPS, Universities Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust) (presentation to come)
- Designing and building a bespoke brachytherapy facility – including the 'lead shed’, Keith Langmack (Nottingham University Hospitals)
- How “safe” is your skin? Effect of PET-CT versus standard Nuclear Medicine radionuclide contamination, Sharan Packer and Mark Barnfield
- Delivering a Ra-223 Dichloride Therapeutic Service in Velindre Cancer Centre for Prostate Cancer Patients, Matthew Talboys (Velindre University NHS Trust) - presentation not allowed to be published
- Practical Radiation Challenges in Military Radiography, Eleanor May (DSTL) - presentation not allowed to be published
Session 3.2: Nuclear and Environment
Session 4.1: Future Developments
Session 4.2: Young Professionals Award
Session 5: The Future of RP
- Incoming President's Address, Jim Thurston (Dorset County Hospital) - presentation to come
- The Future of Radiation Protection - Where do we go from here?, Roger Coates (IRPA Immediate Past President)
- Reducing uncertainty in the geological disposal of radioactive waste materials - Dr Claire Corkhill - presentation to come
- Integrated Innovation for Nuclear Decommissioning: Delivering a safer, faster and cheaper
decommissioning solution, John Brotherhood (Jacobs) - presentation to come
- Fukushima, Mike Lavelle (EDF Energy) - presentation not allowed to be published
Session 6: Regulation and Communicating Risk