Careers and Registration
- Career Information
- Rising Generations Group
- RP Courses
- Women in Science
- Benefits of Professional Registration
- Applying for Registration
- What is the correct level for me?
- Top Tips
- Chartered Radiation Protection Professional (CRadP)
- Incorporated Radiation Protection Professional (IRadP)
- Technical Radiation Protection Professional (TechRadP)
- Maintaining your Registration
- Radiation Protection Council
- Recruitment Service
- Support Schemes
Maintaining your Registration
Once your application has been accepted there are conditions which you must meet to maintain your Registration. You must:
Make sure that you are aware of its contents and ensure that you always follow it in your professional work.
CPD is a continuing process of personal growth to improve your capability and to realise your full potential as a professional. This is achieved by obtaining and developing a wide range of knowledge, skills and experience which are not normally acquired during initial training or routine work and which together develop your competence. You should be professionally active - this means that you must be using your Radiation Protection knowledge and applying it in some way. You may be full or part-time employed or retired but involved in volunteering or still carrying out some consultancy work.
SRP gives details of its expectations from CPD here and you should read this document thoroughly. You should also ensure that you are regularly recording your CPD activity; MySRP has an online system to help you do this which we encourage you to use. You will be asked each year to confirm that you have undertaken and recorded your CPD activities and SRP undertakes an annual audit to ensure that the standards are being upheld.
A reminder will be sent to you.