How to Join

Membership Grades and Application Forms

Corporate Grades

Fellow (FSRP) - For those with substantial professional experience in a senior position
Forms: Application and Sponsor

Member (MSRP) - For those with a degree in a suitable subject and with significant experience or those who have knowledge gained in the workplace with more years' experience
Forms: Application and Sponsor

Associate - For recent graduates and those working in the profession who do not have sufficient experience for MSRP
Forms: Application and Sponsor

Non Corporate Grades

Affiliate - For anyone engaged in or having a demonstrable professional interest in Radiation Protection as well as for full-time students of a relevant course
Forms: Application and Sponsor

Affiliated Organisation - For organisations involved with Radiation Protection and related support
Forms: Application and Sponsor

Open - Available to anyone with an interest in radiation protection. No qualifications or sponsors are required.  Please note that Open Membership will give you access to SRP Weekly (e-newsletter), however, for all other member benefits, you will need to join as a full member in one of the five categories above.  Contact us to apply.

Further InformationMembership Criteria
Summary (with examples of types of role for the different grades)
An Appeal process is available for applicants who are not awarded their preferred grade.  Please contact us if you wish to be sent further details.
















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