Careers and Registration
- Career Information
- Rising Generations Group
- RP Courses
- Women in Science
- Benefits of Professional Registration
- Applying for Registration
- What is the correct level for me?
- Top Tips
- Chartered Radiation Protection Professional (CRadP)
- Incorporated Radiation Protection Professional (IRadP)
- Technical Radiation Protection Professional (TechRadP)
- Maintaining your Registration
- Radiation Protection Council
- Recruitment Service
- Support Schemes
Rising Generations Group
The Rising Generations Group aims to help the career development of less experienced radiation protection professionals and to encourage their involvement with Society activities. Membership currently stands at over 275 members - approximately 17% of the total SRP membership.
RGG initiatives are coordinated by a Committee consisting of members at different stages of their careers and with a varied range of experience. RGG aims to provide members with opportunities to gain knowledge, skills and career guidance from more experienced practitioners and provide chances to network and communicate experiences with other RGG members. RGG has a direct link to the International Radiation Protection Association Young Generation Network (IRPA YGN).
Any SRP member, of any grade, who feels they would benefit from the opportunities provided by RGG in order to establish or progress their career in the field of radiological protection. There is no cut off age for joining RGG !! Please get in touch if you would like to join. Our publicity flyer is available here.
RGG Events: See the panel on the right for our next event.
Speaking opportunities at all SRP events (with some excellent prizes!)
Mentor scheme for regular support from experienced SRP members
In the pipeline: Creation of an electronic booklist of practical and useful information
RGG members play an important role in the success of the SRP Annual Conference. As well as participating in the main speaker programme, members also take part in the biennial Young Professionals Award (short 8 minute presentations with a chance to represent the UK at the next International Congress) and organise a well attended RGG Dinner on the Tuesday evening.