21 October 2022
It has long been appreciated that air crew are exposed to relatively high doses of ionizing radiation. Now, with increased interest in manned space flight, the issue of radiation exposures in space has become a topic of real interest. The fields are very different from those experienced by terrestrial workers and astronauts are inevitably exposed to high doses. The fields and the likely doses to astronauts are discussed, with particular reference to the impacts of escaping low Earth orbit.
The video can be found below.Rick is the Head of the Dosimetry Services Department in the Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards Directorate at UKHSA. The department include the Radon, Personal Dosimetry Services and Radiation Metrology groups, with about 70 staff. The Radiation Metrology group comprises of fourteen staff performing instrument testing, type testing, dosemeter calibration, delicensing work, lead equivalence, Monte Carlo modelling and many projects associated with external dosimetry issues. Our secondary standard calibration fields include UKAS gamma-ray sources, ISO reference x-ray fields, a beta jig and neutron sources.
Qualifications: PhD (1988) Nuclear Structure, University of Liverpool, BSc II-i (1984) Physics, University of Kent, Professional Memberships & Committees:, Elected Member of EURADOS Council 2009-2012 and 2020 to present;, Criticality and Accident Dosimetry User Group (CADUG),
Space Environment Impacts Expert Group (SEIEG), Chair of BSI NCE/2, Radiation Protection and Measurement.
IEC/TC 45/SC 45B/WG 14, Passive integrating dosimetry systems for monitoring of external radiation (UK Expert), ISO/TC 85/SC 2/WG 2, Reference radiation fields (UK Expert), ISO/TC 85/SC 2/WG 19, Individual Monitoring of external radiation (UK Expert).