Booking Notice

Please note, if you require a purchase order number to appear on your invoice, you must submit this in the notes section of this page. Please also add in the email address and postal address that the invoice must be sent to and addressed to. It is up to you, as the booker, to provide these details if your organisation/business requires this in order for payment to be processed. Not including these details and then asking for another invoice to be submitted, may incur an admin charge.

IRMF (2nd) and Instrumentation Workshop

17th Jun 2025

* Indicates mandatory information

Your Details

Groups Discounts - you may get a 10% discount for booking Type delegate places and 15% if you book more than six delegates at the same time from the same organisation. Please do note that you MUST book all delegates at the same time; you don't have to confirm the delegate names at this stage.

Member Rate including VAT: Two days £234.00
Member rate including VAT (One day). Please put in notes section which day you’d like to attend. £156.00
Non-member Rate including VAT: Two days £312.00
Non-member Rate including VAT (One day). Please put in notes section which day you’d like to attend. £216.00
Retired/Unemployed/full-time student for Member only: Two days £96.00
Retired/Unemployed/full-time student for Member only: One day £60.00

Total Due NET: £0.00

Total Due: £0.00

Please note that if you are under age (not over 18), your parent/guardian will need to contact us: 01803 866743 /

IRMF (2nd) and Instrumentation Workshop

UKHSA Conference Centre, Chilton

Talk To Us

Please use this form to send SRP any enquiries, comments or feedback.