News Article
SRP Members meet Jim Al Khalili
News Story from 27th Jan 2016

Vicky Talbot (Westinghouse) and Peter Bryant (Arcadis) represented the Society at last night's special Nuclear Skills Academy for Nuclear Dinner in Liverpool. The Dinner precedes today's one day conference entitled NSAN Conference & Employer Skills Showcase 2016 with speakers including:
- Kevin Benson, GE Power
- Paul Gilchrist, Jacobs UK Limited
- Gill Marsden, NIS Ltd
- Martyn Fletcher, Doosan Babcock
- Ian Blanch, Atkins Ltd
- Paul Brown, Ansaldo NES
Vicky (a member of SRP's Nuclear Committee) and Peter (a member of Strategic Planning Committee) were introduced to Jim Al Khalili who was the Guest Speaker at last night's Dinner.
How UK scientists solved Alexander Litvinenko riddle
Posted 21st Jan 2016

The poisoners of Alexander Litvinenko made one major blunder when they used radioactive polonium to…